Tompkins Bluestone Quarry


Tucked in the mountains of New York state, we visit the quarry for our beloved bluestone.

Jagged cliffs of Tompkins Bluestone Quarry as photographed by Jaqueline Hissink, the amazing photographer Susanne introduced me to.

She visited the site with us and made these notebooks while photographing.

We published them for my building at 12 Warren in NYC as a present for the new owners.

Man and nature.

A delicate balance.

Site-specific sculpture.

The office

Bill inside




Discarded beauties

And leftover piles

I had an idea: what if I take these leftovers off their hands and make a building?

So I decided we needed to lay out the entire facade piece by piece in a construction yard like a reverse engineered archeological dig.

And it worked! 12 Warren NYC